Activist Keyvan Samimi

Iranian Regime Re-Arrests Prominent Journalist

Thursday, 04/20/2023

Iran’s state TV says journalist and political activist Keyvan Samimi was once again arrested on Thursday after his recent release.

The state TV introduced Samimi as an element linked to Mujahedin-e Khalq claiming that he was arrested on charge of "reconnecting with anti-revolutionary groups abroad".

It is not yet known which intelligence outfit arrested the political activist, but Mustafa Nili, a lawyer, wrote in a tweet that even Samimi's son was unaware of his father's arrest.

Stating that he was informed about the arrest through TV, he wrote "It was very shocking. I called his son, but they had no information and they heard about the arrest from me."

The lawyer also denied the claim by the state TV that his client was released upon "Supreme Leader's amnesty", saying that his release came after he served a sufficient amount of time.

74-year-old Keyvan Samimi, who is known as the oldest imprisoned journalist in Iran, is the editor-in-chief of "Nameh" magazine. He was released from prison on January 26, two months after he began to serve his two-year sentence while his health was deteriorating.

After his release, Samimi supported Green Movement leader Mir-Hossein Mousavi's statement for "holding a free referendum" in Iran and "drafting a new constitution".

Samimi also said in an interview with "Etemad" newspaper that "corruption" in the Islamic Republic began one day after the establishment of the Islamic Republic in 1979.

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