A number of teenage football players huddling before a match

Iran Sports Ministry Downplaying Abuse Of Kids At Football School

Tuesday, 01/24/2023

Despite the efforts of Iran’s sport ministry to downplay the sexual abuse of 15 teenage football students, a copy of the complaint letter of the parents shows the ministry was aware of the incident for 3 weeks.

The letter published on social media indicates that the parents of the abused kids had informed the ministry about the tragic event before the issue became public.

A former media manager for the Shahr Khodro football team in the northeastern city of Mashhad said on social media that the parents of 15 kids practicing with the club have filed a complaint against the club and coaches for sexual assault on their children, reported IRNA Friday.

Shahrara daily, which is affiliated to Mashhad municipality, reported Friday that “families of the children had gathered in front of the headquarters of the provincial football organization to protest this tragedy.”

Minister of Sports, Hamid Sajjadi claimed Monday that the ministry will continue its follow-ups to find out what had originally happened.

“There was no complaint about the issue. Only two or three objections were received by the Ministry of Sports. We intend to make a conclusion and final decision after the necessary probes,” he added.

It is not clear why the parents have not gone to the police against the unnamed coach accused of the abuse.

On the other hand, the director of the football school said, "We have not received any complaints so far, and such an issue is a plot by some people in the United States who intend to sidetrack the football and the country of Iran."

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