Prominent Iranian lawyer and human rights defender Nasrin Sotoudeh

Two Iranian Lawyers Call For Annulment Of Death Sentences For Protesters

Tuesday, 12/06/2022

Two prominent Iranian lawyers have called for the unconditional release of all detained protesters and the cancellation of all convictions and sentences.

Nasrin Sotoudeh who is in prison and Mohammad Seifzadeh in a joint letter said revolutionary courts “do not have legal authority,” emphasizing that proceedings in such courts are not “fair and judges are not impartial.”

Hours before the publication of this letter Iran's Chief Justice Gholam-Hossein Mohseni Ejei said the death sentences for several protesters have been confirmed and will be executed soon.

The letter is one of the first reactions to the threatening statements made by the Chief Justice on Monday.

The two human rights lawyers also added that most of those arrested were “convicted in revolutionary courts…where they were deprived of the right to have an independent lawyer, and also due to lack of fair proceedings in the judiciary and the impartiality of the judges, the verdicts are completely invalid.”

Based on leaked briefing documents for senior officials from Fras News Agency, over 29,000 people have been arrested during nationwide protests against the regime following the death of Mahsa Amini.

None of the detained had the right to choose a lawyer, and a number of them have been tried and sentenced to death without access to a fair trial.

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