Iranian protesters in Canada’s Vancouver

Iranian Regime Agents Threaten Iranians In Canada: CBC

Sunday, 11/27/2022

CBC Canada has reported that an increasing number of Iranians living in Canada have expressed their concern that they are being followed and threatened by regime agents.

Based on the report, elements of the Islamic Republic living in Canada have threatened Iranians, monitored them, and even chased them to their homes after demonstrations in Canadian cities.

The activists told CBC they have had no help from Canadian police or government officials and do not feel like the threat is being taken seriously.

The report also added that the agents of the Islamic Republic have threatened Iranian Canadians through calls and text messages to cell phone numbers that were supposed to be private.

The messages warned them to stop posting on social media and speaking out about Iran.

Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) had earlier acknowledged that they are monitoring the situation, announcing for the first-time last Friday they are investigating “several threats to life emanating from the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

CBC said last Friday that Canadian Security Intelligence Service was aware that some state agents of the Islamic Republic are “monitoring and intimidating” people inside Canada to silence those who speak against the regime.

Since popular protests started against Iran’s clerical regime, activists and Iranians living in Canada have held large gatherings and demonstrations in Canadian cities in solidarity with the protesters inside the country.

Meanwhile, many activists are preparing various lists of people affiliated with the Islamic Republic and living in Canada to present to the authorities.

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