The Namazis before their arrest and imprisonment in Iran.

American-Iranian Jailed In Iran Writes In Tehran Paper Amid Prisoner Talks

Thursday, 02/17/2022

A website in Tehran has published an article by Siamak Namazi, an Iranian American jailed in Iran since 2015, amid news that Iran and the United States are holding talks for a possible prisoner exchange.

The article titled "Why Can't We Win the Trust of Iranian Expatriates?", appeared in Ensaf news and elaborated on reasons why the Islamic Republic has failed in its efforts to convince Iranians living abroad to return to their country.

"Despite all enthusiasm shown by various administrations to attract Iranian expats and use their huge political, scientific & economic capacities, none of them has achieved any success. On the contrary, Iranian expats have given the Raisi administration and its warm invitations the cold shoulder,” Namazi wrote.

News emerged from various sources on Thursday that the US and Iran have been holding talks parallel with nuclear negotiations in Vienna over the faith of Westerners held in on trumped-up charges.

After Siamak Namazi's arrest, his elderly father traveled to Iran in 2016 to help him but he was also detained on vague accusations, like his son who was accused of collaboration with a foreign country.

"Iranian officials have rather increased the mistrust. For instance, the Rouhani administration implemented plans to improve its ties with expatriates, but certain security forces interpreted it in a very negative way. And the heavy price was finally paid by dual nationals and their families."

Namazi added that expats will not simply trust officials who claim all barriers for their return have been removed, while they fail to recognize existing risks.

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