Iran's Ebrahim Raisi voting on June 18, 2021

Iran's President To Address Nation Sunday, After Failed Nuclear Talks

Saturday, 12/04/2021

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi will make a televised address to the nation on Sunday, state media reported, a day after nuclear talks in Vienna adjourned amid pessimism.

Raisi who was elected in June and took office in early August delivered two television speeches before his 100 days in office were completed. Critics evaluated his first 100 days negatively, saying he did not manage to address any of the pressing issues facing Iran.

State media in recent days has begun defending Raisi’s first hundred days, specially a speedy Covid-19 vaccination campaign. But the nuclear issue and United States sanctions are the crucial issues impacting the lives of ordinary people.

A high inflation rate of 50 percent, a falling national currency and no positive outlook in the foreseeable future are the most salient issues for hard-pressed working Iranians. A lifting of US sanctions can help alleviate pressure but Raisi’s negotiators sent to Vienna have presented tough demands that United States and its allies are not likely to accept.

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